The Subnet Blog

iOS Developer notes For Subnet Plus vers 1.6

I started on what I thought would be a quick update to Subnet plus.

This free subnet calculator is advertising supported and Apple has recently discontinued the iAd network.  I really liked the Apple framework as the ad were rich and it was relatively simple to implement in the project.  The app also has paid for the occasional beer for me.

I moved to Google’s ad mob platform.  Google had an SDK all ready for me to plug in, it also semi forced me to implement their analytic platform firebase.  I think that is a win as I should be able to see some additional usage stats as people update the app.

I originally wrote Subnet Plus in 2013 and in looking at my code, Wow what a difference some experience makes.  Of course the app works and according to Apple it has not crashed once in 3 years! But how I would code it differently now.

When originally coding this app I used the MVC paradigm that Apple  espouses.  The problem is I interpreted this at the time to mean Massive View Controller  rather than Model View Controller.

SO here is my todo list and features that I hope you will see in future versions:

  • In app purchase to remove ads
  • IPv6 subnetting
  • Reference PDFs for Subnetting by hand.
  • Instructional videos on how to subnet.

Version 1.6 should be out soon. Not much in changes but some bug fixes and the ads are different.

Happy Subnetting!

Available on theAppStore





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